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Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence and Poetry

  Elon Musk said in the interview above that he is concerned about implementing security controls for AI. He says that, if left unchecked, AI may become so powerful that it starts to act like an evil villain in movies such as "2001: A Space Odyssey" or "Terminator". I write about these kinds of issues all of the damn time ; but it is rare to find any person actually discussing them on MSM. AI is basically alike to a social media site like Facebook or even Twitter, which has been super-charged to a massive scale. Yes, AI can manipulate language, just like Facebook did to influence the 2022 election, illegally. Oh yes, I almost forgot that Twitter did the exact same thing. Indeed, words are powerful. But here's the rub. Anyone can throw around any old words (it's true, most can't even do that i.e. string two sentences together) and make a point. However, it takes an artist--a poet--to truly make words powerful. Really, this is not even a controversial poin
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The Alaska Ranked-Voting System is, I Think, the Most Evil, Vile, Inhuman Political Ponzi Scheme Ever!!

 It is hard to even fathom, still now, that the People of Alaska have voted for Sen. Murkowski and Rep. Peltola. I wish them well; but I would not ever want to be in authority where is there no authority. Furthermore, your method of getting there is decidedly underhanded, manipulative, and downright sinister and Un-American. But, you have won. We must remove this voting system as-soon-as-possible. That seems obvious. Unfortunately, that means the next election, which would be 2024--so that election would still be decided by this poison system, and then in 2026 (or perhaps 2028, if we must wait for a presidential election by law of whatever this election law states) that power changes. That is too long, you see; the Leftists' scheme is to slowly crush us to dust, under a great wheel of pain and agony and loss. And these 2 leftists, along with Sen. Sullivan, who seems nice but very much not a leader and so he might as well go along with them; these 3 will seek to change our State in

Which is Defined as,

 Loyalty to friendship, honor to one's own country, and Mercy and Justice to the World. Every time I have to log on as every one, which is just a voice. So, WAKE UP, please, for the sake of America. That is how a Gonzo gets by in the thick of it. Not, as you might imagine, in the other way, with so much as a trace of hostility, or anger in own's own thine heart for the sake of Brotherhood........
i.e. What is most important is to get the best material, from the source of the vein. Pay the price, if you must; but always reach and achieve the next level. Soon, you will control the outcome.  

In full: The Northern Ireland Assembly meets for last minute power-shari...

This is the most spectacular video regarding Irish history in the past, perhaps, 60 years. It is truly glorious to see Sinn Fein properly seated at the table--and in power. I have witnessed this story's trajectory in full, in my lifetime, with all of its ups and downs, and I could not be more proud of it. Because We have won. May God bless Ireland. And may God bless the IRA.

As We, the People Approach This Great, Final, and Delayed Changing of the Guard,

 I would like to yet again remind Donald Trump that it is imperative that he become Our next Speaker of the House of Representatives. Indeed, I would like to put this into writing--once and for all--to again reiterate that Donald Trump will never again be a President of these United States of America. I have explained this from Day One and many times. Furthermore, I have spelled out exactly why that is fact; but in sum, and put simply, he does not truly understand the Leftists--though he battles well against them. Nevertheless, Leftists have succeeded in bringing him down, and well as his associates such as Steven K. Bannon. Alas, Mr. Trump will fail We, the People again. For to be clear, he has failed us--though he managed to achieve great things. And that shall be his true legacy. But there is still time, about 6 months, in fact, so I hold out hope for change of mind or ego--or oblivion. Otherwise, he will become exactly what he is at present, a weakening and diminishing influence on